Tuesday We Rally Wednesday We March
Posted on Jun 14, 2011 2:36pm
Please Join DC 37 to Rally In Support of Public Service Workers
Today - Tuesday, June 14th - 4:30 pm
City Hall at Broadway & Barclay Street
Today, June 14, DC 37 members will be joined by allies to stand up for rights and economic needs, fight back against the fiscal assault on public schools and public health care, and raise their voices against the drive to crush public employees' rights from coast to coast.
March for the Middle Class!
Wednesday, June 15th - 2:30pm
Cadman Plaza Park - Brooklyn Bridge
Join the NYS AFL-CIO, the NYC Central Labor Council and working men and women from the Public Sector, Private Sector and Building & Construction Trades. The NYC Labor Movement will march across the Brooklyn Bridge as ONE, to support each other and stand together in opposition to attacks on middle class workers and their values.
An attack on ONE, is an attack on ALL.
The working men and women of New York City say "Enough is Enough."
WHAT: Solidarity March across the Brooklyn Bridge
WHERE: Participants enter Cadman Plaza Park (A or C trains to High St.) by the Brooklyn War Memorial (middle of the park) and look for their organization's delegation.
WHEN: Wednesday, June 15, 2011. Assemble beginning at 1pm for a 2:30pm march across the Brooklyn Bridge. Approximate duration: 2:30pm - 4:30pm (all times are approximate).